La Kunsthalle Mulhouse

Within 700m2 of gallery space La Kunsthalle both displays and produces temporary exhibitions dedicated to contemporary art. These exhibitions focus either on the work of one artist, or on a wider theme appearing in the work of various artists. La Kunsthalle promotes artistic creation and distribution through its programme of events.

Wednsesdays to fridays :  12:00 – 18:00

Saturdays and sundays : 14:00 – 18:00

Thursdays : until 20:00

Mondays and tuesdays  : Closed

Guided tours during exhivbition periods on sundays at 15:00 on demand.

Only opened during exhibitions.

Free admissions

Règles sanitaires appliquées dans ce musée

Contact and access

La Kunsthalle Mulhouse
16 Rue de la Fonderie
68100 Mulhouse
Phone : 03 69 77 66 47
Parking à proximité. Ascenseur. Visites guidées à la carte.
Tram : Ligne 2 et Tram-train arrêt Tour Nessel Bus : ligne 10 arrêt Fonderie-ligne 15 arrêt Molkenrain et ligne 20 arrêt Manège
To go to the museum