Suite aux récentes mesures gouvernementales visant à lutter contre l'épidémie de COVID-19, l'ensemble des Musées resteront fermés jusqu'à nouvel ordre.

La Nuit des Mystères

In 2006, the desire of  “Musées Mulhouse Sud Alsace” is to create an innovative and unifying event for the occasion of the European Night of Museums in Mulhouse, the second largest museums city in France after Paris.

The idea emerged to transform the city  for a treasure hunt. Hitherto unprecedented experience in France and in Europe: The Night of Mystery was born in Mulhouse.

Since then, “La Nuit des Mystères” continues to rise. In 7 editions, 150,000 entries were recorded. In 2012, the attendance record is beaten with 32,000 entries. “La Nuit des Mystères” is trusted by the public, whether or not the player! For the interest of this crazy night, it is the discovery of exceptional collections in an unusual atmosphere!